Sunday, 18 October 2009

The Death Of Discipline & The Rise Of The Feral Child

On a disturbingly regular basis, newspapers carry horrifying stories of innocent people being attacked, and in some cases killed, by gangs of children roaming the streets without any fear of the forces of law and order disturbing them.

What 'crime' then have their victims committed? Well, they had the effrontery to ask said gangs to; stop vandalising their car, stop kicking their garden fence down, stop throwing bricks at their windows and a miscellaneous catalogue of other anti-social behaviour.

The Police only get really interested if you might, in an endeavour to prevent said anti-social behaviour, touch one of these delicate and fragile youths on the arm or shoulder. Then and only then do the squad cars arrive ready to drag you, the victim, off to the pokey!

How on earth did it come to this? The answer lies in the animal kingdom, which is appropriate in a way, as human beings are constantly being referred to as 'mammal' or 'animal' by various commentators. Ask any naturalist, animal behavioural expert or TV animal pundit how animals deal with the question of disciplining their young and you'll get some very interesting answers. Few, if any of these answers run along the lines of, 'they don't discipline their young, but let them do just what they like'. Ever watch a nature program and seen a mother Lion give an unruly and undisciplined cub a swift clump with a paw? Strange how wild animals instinctively know that discipline, at all levels, is an essential tool for survival, and yet we humans have not only abandoned the disciplining of our young wholesale, but in many cases, made it a criminal offence.

The root of the problem is deeply embedded in the psyche of social engineers, educators and the judiciary, and is both misguided and dangerous. Ask the family of Fiona Pilkington whether lack of discipline is a good thing. Or maybe, if you are still not sure, talk to Helen Newlove, the widow of Garry Newlove, who was kicked to death by a gang of thugs outside his own home.

It is totally unacceptable that the Government and the Judiciary stand back and continue to allow law-abiding members of the community to be terrorised by feral gangs of thugs, whilst they hide behind the familiar mantra of, 'human rights?'.

Our streets are fast becoming virtual no-go zones, ruled by the violent, the feral and the undisciplined.

It is time for the ordinary folk of this country, the tax-payers, the families, the law-abiding, to reclaim our society from the hands of the politically correct and socially delusional 'experts' who, by their misguided and misinformed theories have dragged us to the brink of social decay.

Write to your local Councillor, MP or MEP about what they are personally doing about it.

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