Friday, 20 November 2020

Thoughts on the parable of the Talents [Matthew chap. 25 v14-30]

God’s power at work in our world, to defeat evil, will only be seen where God’s people, in whom He has invested His power through His Spirit, are at work in the world.  God hasn’t filled us with His Spirit, raised us up as an army, dressed us in the full armour of God, to have us sit on the side-lines while He does the job himself. 

 We are the means by which God is at work in our world. We are lights in dark places.  We are Salt. If we are not seeing God in action in our World, Our Countries, our Cities, our Towns, our Villages, our Neighbourhoods and our Communities, it is because God’s people are not at work.  As long as we sit on our backsides doing nothing, nothing is what we will see being done.

 If you think being a Christian is solely about going to church regularly, about performing your religion to the satisfaction of yourself and others, about quoting scripture to impress with your knowledge and as a result, feeling pleased with yourself, then you are like the servant to whom the master of the house gave the one Talent.

 It is only when we move out in real prayer, in real power, in real action and in real Love, that God will be seen to be at work, and will be at work through His people, who are at work. It is, of course, essential to be in God's power and that the action is what God wants.

 If we are to come against the dark tide we need to know God's power is stronger than our feeble efforts, like David’s battle against Goliath.  The Philistine Champion had been taunting Israel’s troops for 40 days.  Then David comes on the battlefield and challenges the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.  This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head. This very day I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds and the wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel.  All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.”  Take special note of what David says. ‘I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty’. 

 If we fail in this, we will continue to feel powerless, helpless, frustrated, discouraged and impotent to do anything against the dark tide of evil which has already engulfed so much of the world around us, the World we live in. 

 It is to us the question will be asked, ‘What have you done with what you were given’.

[The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for Good Men and Women to do nothing ~ Anon, but attributed to Edmund Burke]

Sunday, 15 November 2020

Our Relationship with God

 The power of our relationship with God, as our Father and our Sovereign Lord, is not based on our feelings at any particular moment, nor is it proportional to whether we’ve had a ‘good’ service in church, nor a ‘good’ quiet time, nor a ‘good’ worship time, nor how much we are ‘doing’.

 The Power of our relationship with God is based on fact: undeniable fact, unarguable fact, that through Christ we are Children of God: not that we shall be, nor that we were, but are not any more, but ARE, both now and forever.

 To return to our feelings: a Soldier is still a soldier, whether in the front line fighting, or in training in boot camp. That soldier is always, at any moment, likely to be flung into battle. The Christian ‘soldier’ is always on the front-line of the Spiritual Battle, whatever the current state of the battle may ‘appear’ to be, or whatever our ‘feelings’ are.  Feelings and emotions ebb & flow, but our relationship with God our Father is unmoving, solid, and totally dependable.

 When all appears quiet, or there does not appear to be much happening in our particular strategic placement, we must not allow ourselves to think that nothing is happening.  We must always live all out in the reality that, our relationship with God does not depend solely upon what we are ‘doing’ or what we are ‘feeling’ or what we ‘see’ around us.

We ARE Children of God, both now and forever.